Applying Online

The following information may help you in your university application. When you're ready to start your application, register as a new user, or, if you're already registered then login. Both functions are available from the top menu.

This diagram gives you a step by step guide to how to apply as a current-year Year 12 WACE student, including those studying General and/or VET courses. If you are not a current-year Year 12 WACE student refer to this diagram.

    Personal information

  • Personal details

    Enter your name in full (be consistent with spelling used on the screen and in any other correspondence with TISC). Include any middle names.

    Birth date
    Enter your date of birth in the form of DD-MM-YYYY. For example 03-05-1974.

    Previous surname/family name
    If your family name has changed, enter your previous surname/family name(s). If you have more than one previous surname/family name, enter all of them separated by a slash '/'. For example: SCOTT/LEE/WHITE.

    If you have changed your legal given name but not your surname, you may also need to enter this name. If you are unsure how to enter previous names, contact TISC for advice.

    Have you changed your name since you gained any of your qualifications? If so, you must supply documentation to prove this name change. The document should show all names involved in the change (ie previous name/s and current name). Make sure that you advise all changes made. If not, TISC may not be able to access your previous academic record, and you may not be made an offer. Note that possession of two documents with different names, eg birth certificate and driver's licence, does not provide proof of name change.

    Select gender Male, Female or Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified.

    TISC recognises that individuals may choose to identify or be recognised within the community as having a gender other than the sex to which they were assigned at birth or during their childhood, or as having indeterminate sex or gender.

    If you given name has changed as part of this process, you may be required to submit evidence of the name change.
  • Contact information

    Notification address
    Give your notification address for the relevant admissions period (May to February). All postal correspondence will be sent to this address. This can be a post office box address.

    Permanent home address
    If your permanent home address is different from your notification address, enter the address. Do not use a post office box address. Some of the universities may use your permanent home address in assessing your eligibility for alternative entry pathways. This information is also required by the universities for reporting to Federal Government agencies for statistical purposes if your application is successful.

    Contact telephone number
    Please supply at least one telephone number, preferably a mobile phone number. TISC may use this to contact you if the matter is urgent or email has been unsuccessful.

    Email address
    You must supply a valid email address. Email is the main method that TISC will use to contact you about your application. If you are a secondary school student, do not use your school email address. You may find that you are unable to access this after graduation, and you may then miss out on important information about your application or offer.

    Check your emails regularly (including your junk mail), as TISC will assume that you've read its email notifications and requests. Save the email address which TISC will use to contact you ( as an approved sender so that emails from TISC don't go to your junk mailbox.

    Note that details of any offer of a place will be emailed to you so an accessible email address is very important.

  • Change of address/email

    The quickest and easiest way to change your address or email is online. Note the closing dates for changing your details prior to offers. WA Year 12 students should also separately ask their school to advise the School Curriculum and Standards Authority of their change of address.

    You may also change your address or email by telephoning or by sending a letter to TISC, or by using the Application Change Form. You will need to advise your full name, TISC number (if known), your old contact details as well as your new contact details.
  • Universities Admissions Advice Letter (UAAL) and ATAR Certificate

    2024 WA Year 12 students will be able to access their UAAL information (scaled scores, ATAR and eligibility to universities for 2025 admission year) electronically via TISC's website. You can print or save the informal PDF of your Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL) until 1 March 2025.

    If you wish to order your official copy(ies) of your UAAL on TISC stationery please complete your order during the lodgement of your university application or via the Registered User Functions.

    You can also choose to order an official ATAR Certificate(s) showing scaled scores, ATAR and achievement of WACE.

    The initial cost is $29.00 and $17.00 for each additional copy for any of the documents.

    Guide to UAAL (with sample).
    Guide to ATAR Certificate (with sample).
  • Demographic details

  • Citizenship/residency status and country of birth

    Citizenship/residency status and country of birth
    Click on the appropriate circle. If you click on 'None of these', you're classed as an international student and should apply direct to the universities through their International Offices. You can’t apply through TISC.

    State the country in which you were born. Click on the down arrow next to the Country of Birth box to view the selection of countries available. If you were born in Australia, indicate this.

    If you weren't born in Australia, enter the day, month and year when your permanent residency was approved/granted. Also enter the day, month and year you first arrived in Australia. New Zealand citizens who don't have Australian Permanent Residency yet should enter their expected date of arrival in Australia.

    This information is required by the universities for reporting to Federal Government agencies for statistical purposes if your application is successful.
  • Language spoken at home

    This information is required by the universities for reporting to Federal Government agencies for statistical purposes if your application is successful. This has no bearing on the outcome of your application.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander status

    This question is asked because several universities have special admission schemes for applicants of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. The information is also used for statistical purposes. Answering this question is optional, but not answering may mean that you are not considered for certain alternative entry pathways.
  • Facilities for Students with disabilities, medical conditions or learning difficulties

    If you'd like to receive information about facilities available for students with disabilities and/or chronic medical conditions, click on the Yes circle. For more information click here. This service is confidential and has no bearing on the outcome of your application.
  • Opt-In question for Marketing and Recruitment Communications from Universities

    You can choose whether you receive marketing and recruitment material from the universities during the application process. Choose yes if you are happy to receive this kind of information from any university. If you don't wish to receive marketing material from the universities, and only want contact which relates directly to your application for the universities on your preference list, then please indicate No. Answering No will also prevent you receiving information about alternative study options if you don't receive an offer in either all-preference offer round.

    Any marketing and recruitment material you receive from the universities or from TISC on behalf of select Higher Education Providers must contain an option for you to unsubscribe from receiving further communication, in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

    If you change your mind about receiving or not receiving this kind of information from the universities, just let us know by emailing We will update your application to reflect your wishes
  • Education level of parents or guardians

    The Australian Government Department of Education requires this information to be collected for statistical purposes. Please answer about the people (up to two) who, during all (or most) of your school years, were your parents or guardians. If you have more than two, answer about those you've spent the most time with. Answering these questions is optional. Some universities may offer alternative entry pathways or special admissions schemes for applicants who will be the first in their immediate family to attend university.
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI)

    The USI is a ten character (alphanumeric) reference that is issued by the Australian Government to students undertaking nationally recognised training and higher education.

    Note, you will not be able to make declaration for your TISC application without providing the USI.

    If you do not already have one, you can create it here, before making declaration for your TISC application. New Zealand citizens cannot create a USI until they have entered Australia and have registered with the Department of Home Affairs; contact TISC if you’re in this situation.

    To create a USI, acceptable forms of ID are required. You will need at least one of the identity documents listed below:
    • Australian Passport
    • Non-Australian Passport (with Australian Visa)
    • Australian Birth Certificate
    • Australian Driver's Licence
    • Medicare Card
    • Certificate of Registration by Descent
    • Centrelink Concession Cards
    • Citizenship Certificate
    • ImmiCard
    If you've already completed your TISC application without providing USI, you may email it to TISC for update to your application record. In the email please advise full name, user id and USI number.

  • Course preferences

  • Choice of courses

    Before you enter your course preferences, read Choosing preferences. Use Course Search to check course codes for each university and methods of study available for each course. Make sure you're aware of any course prerequisites. Refer to the entry of the course in Course Search or Course Prerequisites.
  • Course codes

    You can't repeat course codes, even where the same code covers different courses, or different methods of study (full-time or part-time or external). For example, at UWA, UP001 is the code for Arts, but within Arts, you could study Anthropology and Sociology, History of Art, etc. If you're offered and accept a place in UP001, at enrolment you'd then choose the course major within that code that you want to study.

    You can include up to six courses in order of preference. Make sure that your first choice is the course you'd most want to study. Check your preferences carefully to make sure you've applied for what you want. A wrong choice may mean that you will be considered for a course you don't wish to study.
  • Method of study

    You will be able to enter only one method of study code for each preference. Only available choices will be displayed – for example, if a course is only offered full-time, you won't be able to select part-time or external as the method of study.
  • UCAT identification number

    If you've applied for Medicine at Curtin University or an Assured Pathway to Medicine and/or Dentistry at The University of Western Australia or Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Assured Pathway to Medicine) at Notre Dame, you'll need to supply your University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ) identification number. This number is stated on both the written acknowledgement of receipt of your UCAT application form and your Notification of the UCAT test date. Include your UCAT candidate number on your application. This helps the universities match up your UCAT results and your TISC application to complete assessment of your application.
  • Secondary level qualifications

  • Western Australian secondary studies

    If you've sat WACE, TEE, TAE or Leaving examinations from 1976 onwards, here or overseas, TISC can access your results. There is no need to upload supporting documents.

    If you sat the Leaving examinations prior to 1976 you must submit your Year 12 certificates, including statements of marks and grades in all subjects, and your matriculation aggregate, see Supporting documents.

    Enter all relevant details of the study attempt under Secondary Studies at Year 12 level - Part 1; only asterisked items are compulsory. Make sure that you enter the year and full name under which you sat the examination, so TISC can find your results. TISC will email you if there is any difficulty accessing your results.
  • Interstate secondary studies

    If you're sitting interstate Year 12 examinations in the current year, provide your correct Year 12 candidate number (this may be known as your LUI, VCAA student number, NESA student number, etc) so that TISC can obtain your results direct from the relevant interstate authority. While every effort is made to consider interstate Year 12 results in time for the main round of offers, universities can't be held responsible if delays occur. TISC will contact you by email if there is a problem with retrieving your results.

    If you've sat interstate Year 12 examinations since 1977 but prior to the current year, TISC will usually have access to your results, so there's no need to upload documents when you apply. Please record accurately the year you sat and provide your correct Year 12 candidate number where possible. TISC will contact you by email if there is a problem with retrieving your results.

    If you have interstate Year 12 results prior to 1977 you must submit your Year 12 certificates including statements of marks and grades in all subjects and matriculation aggregate or Tertiary Entrance Scores. See Supporting documents.
  • Results for Australian year 12 studies sat overseas

    TISC can usually retrieve results for ACT Year 12, NSW HSC, SACE, VCE, WACE, etc sat overseas, but you need to let us know that your qualification is Australian, and isn't an overseas qualification despite being sat overseas. When you answer the question on secondary studies at Year 12 level outside WA, put 'ACT', 'NSW', 'SA', 'VIC', etc, as appropriate, not 'OS' (overseas) in the 'location' field, and put 'ACT Year 12', ‘HSC', 'SACE', 'VCE', as appropriate, in the 'description' field so that TISC can identify your results as Australian and retrieve them without delay. If you're sitting/have sat WACE overseas, enter the details in the question relating to current/previous Year 12 studies in Western Australia.
  • International Baccalaureate results

    If you're sitting or have previously sat the International Baccalaureate select 'International Baccalaureate' from the drop-down list as the location of your Year 12 study, not an Australian state or 'Overseas'. In the Description, please indicate whether you are/were a May or November candidate in the selected year. Provide your IB personal code (usually five alphanumeric characters) to help TISC locate your results.

    TISC can retrieve International Baccalaureate results if the candidate releases them to us. If you're sitting the Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (IB) in the current year, arrange through your school in advance for your results to be made available to TISC. Check with the IB co-ordinator in your school that a Results Request has been submitted to the IBO on your behalf. If you've sat the IB in prior years, you should upload your results with your application, although TISC may be able to retrieve them. Uploading them yourself may help your application be processed more quickly.
  • Overseas secondary studies

    New Zealand results - NCEA, University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships Examinations
    If you're studying the New Zealand NCEA Level 3 in the current year, provide your student number (NSN). TISC will obtain your final year results from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The NZQA will also provide TISC with an equivalent ATAR. These will not be considered for main round but will be available for the second round.

    If you completed NCEA Level 2 or 3 in previous years since 2004, provide your NSN and TISC will be able to retrieve these results. If you've sat New Zealand University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships Examinations prior to 2004, you must upload your results, including marks obtained.

    Cambridge International Examinations results - New Zealand and elsewhere
    If you're sitting/have sat Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE, AS or A Levels, and you provide details of your Centre Number and Candidate Number as well as the dates of each examination session (eg November 2021), TISC should be able to retrieve your results directly from Cambridge. Enter each session separately under Secondary Studies at Year 12 level.

    Year Location Name of Study Student Number
    1st Study attempt 2022 NZ CIE A Levels - November NZ001/123
    2nd Study attempt 2021 NZ CIE AS Levels - November NZ001/123
    3rd Study attempt 2020 NZ CIE IGCSEs - June NZ001/123
    If you completed NCEA Level 2 prior to your A Levels, add this to your application together with the year and your NSN, and TISC will retrieve these results for you.

    If you're a CIE student from another country, please follow the example above, but select OS (Overseas) as the location, rather than NZ. TISC will contact you by email if there is a problem with retrieving your results.

    Other A Level results
    TISC cannot retrieve any A Level or prior studies from other certifying bodies (for example Pearsons or EdExcel), or UK-based Cambridge results.

    If you have A Level results (or equivalent), you must upload both your A Level final certificates and your GCSE (O Level) and AS Level (if any) final certificates (or equivalent). If you're currently studying A Levels, upload your GCSE and AS Level (if any) final certificates and your predicted A Level results at the time you apply, and then your final results as soon as they're available.
  • Other overseas secondary studies

    Declare the location as OS and give a brief description of the qualification. The student/candidate number is usually not required, as you will need to upload the document/s yourself. See Supporting documents.

    If you have sat the SAT or AP examinations, you must order these results to be sent to TISC via CollegeBoard – your own Student Report is not sufficient. In most cases, these results need to be provided in conjunction with your High School Diploma and a transcript of your secondary studies.
  • If you are not a recent school leaver

    Even if some time has passed since you finished secondary school, and/or you have commenced or completed post secondary studies, you are still required to declare your secondary studies and provide evidence if requested.

    Secondary studies may be required for English language competence and/or pre-requisites. In some cases they may also give you a higher selection rank than your post-secondary studies.
  • Postsecondary studies

  • Vocational education and training studies

    Are you currently enrolled and/or have you ever been enrolled in any Certificate, Diploma, Associate Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree level course at a TAFE or private Registered Training Organisation? If so, click on the Yes circle, then provide full details of all award courses attempted.

    Short courses
    Leisure, hobby, recreation or personal enrichment course information is not required. If you have completed courses like a First Aid certificate or other skillsets, where you complete a number of units from a VET qualification without completing the full qualification, you may enter them here using the Course Type 'Other tertiary qualification, such as miscellaneous non-award subjects'. These courses are unlikely to meet course entry requirements but may be used as part of a portfolio or experience-based entry application.

    Student number
    This is essential information if you're currently enrolled at a Western Australian TAFE or the Fremantle Education Centre (ie in second semester of the current year), so that TISC can directly obtain your results.
  • Tertiary studies

    Have you ever been enrolled in any Certificate, Diploma or Associate Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree or Postgraduate course at a university? If so, click on the Yes circle and complete the boxes shown below to provide information on all courses attempted and/or completed (even if you withdrew prior to the start of the academic year). Failure to disclose full details of past enrolments could result in no offer being made, or an offer being withdrawn.

    University enabling or bridging courses (for example UniReady, UniPrep, OnTrack, Tertiary Pathway Program) should also be listed at this question.

    If you are enrolled in Murdoch's Flexitrack High and are applying to courses at other universities, you may need to provide a letter confirming completion of the program.
  • Previous enrolment

    If you've previously been enrolled at a Western Australian university contact the Admissions Centre of the university concerned before applying through TISC for the same university. You may have to apply directly to the university. See Who should apply through TISC?
  • Other postsecondary and professional qualifications

    Have you any postsecondary and/or professional qualifications not covered in the questions on VET (TAFE) Studies and Tertiary Studies, eg pilot's licence, Police Academy certification, Australian Securities Institute studies? If so, enter these here. Enter the year each was obtained, the location and full details of the qualification/course. Also enter any English competency testing (excluding STAT) you may have completed eg Pearsons, IELTS, TOEFL iBT. Leisure, hobby, personal enrichment and recreational courses information is not required.

    Registered nurses
    Proof of current registration with an Australian State Nurses' Board is required if you're applying for one of the conversion courses for qualified/registered nurses at Curtin University or Edith Cowan University. Current registration may also satisfy minimum entry requirements for other courses.
  • Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

    Click on the Yes circle if you intend to sit the STAT in the current year or have previously sat the STAT or its predecessors, the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) or the Western Australia Alternative Test for Adult Admission (ATAA). Give details of any other adult admission test under the previous question asking about other postsecondary and professional studies.

    You must disclose all attempts at STAT, even if results may not be sufficient to gain university admission. If you've sat the test since June 1996 give the location of the state where you sat the test. For tests prior to July 1996, advise the state whose STAT you sat (this is probably, but may not necessarily be, the same as the state where you sat the test).

    If you wish to sit STAT in another state to qualify for admission in WA, contact ACER. Results will be made available to TISC once you have applied. Note that, if you are intending to sit STAT in another state (and your admission to a university in WA will be solely based on your STAT results), you must also sit the Written English section.

    Your Application Coversheet won't ask you to upload documents if you've sat the Western Australian STAT or ATAA in any year or if you are sitting/have sat the test from July 1996 anywhere in Australia. TISC has direct access to these results and will contact you by email if there is a problem with retrieving your results. If you sat the test outside WA before July 1996 you'll need to submit your results to TISC.
  • Submission of documentation

  • Supporting documents

    You must be able to provide documentary proof of all qualifications and any change of name you've stated on your application. TISC can obtain some of this proof electronically, but not all of it. If you are required to provide any of this documentation, your Application Coversheet will tell you. If TISC isn't successful in retrieving the results it expects to obtain for you, it will email you and ask you to provide the documentary proof yourself.

    Applications where information or documentation isn't complete may not be successful. It's your responsibility to submit all requested supporting documents. Before uploading documents, read the following carefully so that you comply with TISC's strict requirements for supporting documentation. Also make sure you comply with any closing dates.
  • Documents from previous years' applications

    Documents submitted to TISC in a previous year are not used for your current application and need to be re-submitted.
  • Academic transcripts

    You must upload official transcripts (statements) of your academic record for all qualifications at or above Certificate IV level, whether complete or incomplete. Your documents must show:
    • The name of the course studied; and
    • All subjects you took; and
    • Grades you obtained (including failures, withdrawals and incomplete studies); and
    • An explanation of the grading system (if studied outside Western Australia).
    A collection of examination result slips isn't sufficient, nor is a screenshot or unofficial transcript. You can usually obtain a transcript for a small charge from the Student Records Office of the issuing institution. You should apply for this early as some transcripts take time to obtain.

    Note: Most institutions will not release academic transcripts if students owe money to the institution (eg library fines) so make sure you don't have any outstanding fees or fines.
  • Proof of completion

    For any qualification that you have declared as being completed, you need to provide proof. If the academic transcript doesn't state that you've successfully completed the course, you'll need to provide extra documentation, such as a certificate, diploma, degree or official letter from the Records Department of the issuing institution confirming that you've completed the course. Curtin University requires the actual certificate, diploma or degree parchment.
  • USI transcripts

    If you are submitting a USI transcript from as evidence of your VET or university studies, this must be an authenticated transcript containing a clickable link and QR code so that TISC can verify its authenticity.
  • Qualifications studied in a language other than English

    If you studied overseas in a language other than English, you must upload:
    • The original language transcript of studies showing the subjects and results; and
    • The original language award certificate (if you've completed the qualification); and
    • An original English translation of these documents.
    The translation must be transcribed and stamped by a NAATI (The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) accredited translator who is accredited at the Translator or Advanced Translator level. For rare languages, if no accredited translator is available, a stamped translation from a NAATI-recognised translator is acceptable.

    NAATI accredited translators can be found in the Directory of Accredited and Recognised Translators and Interpreters at NAATI suggests you ask for two or three quotes as there's no set fee for translations, and allow some time for the translator to complete the task.

    If you're applying from overseas, the translation must be completed and stamped by a qualified government translator.
  • Acceptable forms of electronic documents

    You will need to correctly prepare documents before uploading to your application:

    • Scan the original document in actual colour.
    • Scan each document separately and include both sides if applicable. Transcripts received for the same qualification can be combined into one file.
    • Scan of a photocopy, a certified copy, a fax, examination result slips or online printouts are not accepted.
    • Ensure that scans are of good quality and fully legible, including any notes, codes or logos.
    • Ensure that the entire document is scanned, without scanning external surrounds such as a table top or a frame or your fingers – the document needs to fill the entire space and all edges of the document must be visible. The document must not look warped by the scan.
    • Ensure that documents are not encrypted or password protected.
    • Ensure that documents meet type and size requirements as listed below.
    • Faxed transcripts/results will only be accepted if faxed directly to TISC by the issuing institution. Upload of a fax won't be accepted.
    Note: In all cases TISC reserves the right to request an original document.

    Documents type, size and quantity requirements
    • File format must be one of pdf, gif, jpeg, tiff, jpg, png, bmp.
    • File size must only be up to 5 Megabytes (5 MB) per file.
    • Word documents (.doc, docx, .rtf) are not accepted and should be saved as .pdf first.
    • A maximum of 10 files can be uploaded for each document category.

    File naming requirements
    There are restrictions to type of characters that you can use to name files for upload:

    • Only use letters A-Z or a-z, numbers 0-9, dashes '-' and underscores '_'.
    • Avoid using spaces.
    • File names with special or foreign characters will be rejected by the system.
  • Uploading documents

    When you are uploading documents, you may have different categories to choose from.
    • Qualifications that you have listed may have their own category - for example if you declare a Certificate IV in Business at a private training provider, you will see this as a category. This is where you should upload proof of completion and any other documents relating to this qualification. Note: For Certificate IV or lower qualifications, in most cases you will only need to upload the award (completion) certificate. For Diploma or higher qualifications, you need to upload the award (completion) certificate and a separate statement of academic record listing the units or competencies completed within the qualification.
    • Experienced-based entry documents. If you have listed at least one preference that accepts portfolio or experience-based entry applications, you will see this as a category. This is where you should upload portfolio documents required by the university/ies.
    • EAS documents. If you have applied for consideration under the Educational Access Scheme, you will see this as a category. This is where you should upload documents required for the EAS, such as your applicant statement. These documents have restricted access due to their potentially sensitive nature.
    • General documents. This is where you should upload any other documents, for example a completed English Declaration for nursing courses.
    Documents you should not submit
    To reduce the amount of information held by TISC, please don't submit:
    • Identification documents (birth certificate, driver’s license), unless specifically required for a change of name or personal details.
    • Participation certificates and other similar documents, unless these form part of an experienced-based entry or EAS application.
    • School reports, unless these form part of an experience-based or EAS application or you have been specifically asked to submit them. The universities will calculate your predicted ATAR, if applicable, from your final Year 11 results that are received from SCSA. Non-WACE students please refer to the appropriate secondary studies section.
    • Your final Year 12 report or Statement of Results. We will obtain this information from SCSA. Non-WACE students please refer to the appropriate secondary studies section.
  • Competence in English

    You must satisfy the universities' English competence requirements. If you gained English qualifications outside Western Australia you may need to include documentary evidence of this (for example GCSE English, Academic IELTS, PTE Academic, TOEFL iBT, OET etc). TISC can access Australian Year 12 English results from 1977 onward. For more information about English competency requirements For more information about English competency requirements see individual university sections, Admission requirements for recent school leaver, and Admission requirements for non-school leaver applicants. Enter any testing excluding STAT or year 12 studies under 'Other postsecondary and professional qualifications' page of the application.
  • Extra submissions

    Some courses require additional submissions that will not be requested on your Application Coversheet. This is usually because it relates to a specific course preference that you have listed. TISC will email you within three business days of your application lodgment to remind you of these requirements, however if you upload the submission when you apply, it may reduce the time required to process your application. If you don't submit these documents by the closing date, you may not receive an offer in the relevant course.

    Curtin University
    If you're applying for Curtin's Nursing, you must complete the English declaration and upload it to TISC.

    If you're applying for Curtin's Medicine course, there are additional requirements that TISC will email you about. Applicants will be required to undertake the Casper Situational Judgement Assessment as well as UCAT. The Casper is an online assessment where you will be asked to respond to written and video based scenarios.

    All applicants for any of Curtin’s Education courses ( CKTKH, CKTPH, CUAEH, CUBEH, CUCEH, CUECH, CUEEH, CUEPH, CUHBH, CUHHH, CUHLH, CUHSH, CUMEH, CUMPH, CUPCH, CUPEH, CUTKH, CUTPH, CUVAH ) must complete an online Qualtrics questionnaire to meet the non-academic entry requirements.

    Edith Cowan University
    If you're applying for any of ECU's Education courses ( EBTKC, EBTPC, EJBCC, EJCEM, EJHEC, EJPEC, EJPHY, EJTHC, EJTKC, EJTPC, EMCAC, EMDPC, EMDTC, EMENC, EMSSC, EMTPC ), you must complete a survey to meet the non-academic entry requirements. TISC will email you details of this survey once you apply.

    If you're applying for ECU's Nursing courses ( EJNRC, EBNRC, EJSNC, EBSNC ), you must complete an English Declaration.

    Murdoch University
    If you're applying for Murdoch's Nursing courses ( MPNUE, MPNUM, MPNUR, MUNUE, MUNUM, MUNUR ), you must complete an English Declaration.

    If you apply for either of Murdoch's Veterinary Science courses school leaver or non-school leaver you must undertake the Casper Situational Judgement Assessment. The Casper is an online assessment where you will be asked to respond to written and video based scenarios. You must also complete the application form and upload it to your TISC application as a General document.

    The University of Notre Dame Australia
    All applicants for any Notre Dame course must complete the Individual Factors form and upload to your application as a general document.

    All applicants for any Notre Dame's Education courses ( NDEDP, NDEDS, NDEEL, NDEPA, NDEPB, NDEPS, NDESA, NDESB, NDESS, NDHPP, NDHPS ) must complete a Statement of Purpose to meet the non-academic entry requirements.

    Applicants for Notre Dame's Counselling program ( NDCOU ) must complete a Statement of Purpose to meet the non-academic entry requirements.

    The University of Western Australia
    Applicants for UWA’s Assured Pathways to Dentistry, Medicine and Podiatric Medicine will be sent additional information by TISC after you apply. Applicants who believe they meet the Rural criteria must complete UWA's Rural Eligiblity form and upload this to your TISC application as a general document.
  • Fraudulent applications

    When you apply, you declare that your application is 'true and complete'. If TISC asks you to, you must provide documentary proof of all previous Year 12 (or equivalent), and post-secondary studies, including failed courses or units. It's a serious offence to submit a false declaration or false documents. If you do, TISC will notify all participating universities, and your application may be withdrawn. Some universities have policies in place which will prevent you being offered a place in subsequent years. Past cases have also been referred to the police. If you're offered a place in a course and your application is subsequently found to have been incomplete or misleading, your enrolment can be terminated and your academic record annotated accordingly.

    We understand that sometimes applicants accidentally leave out information or make a mistake – if this happens to you, just contact TISC as soon as you realise, and we can make sure this information is corrected or added to your application.
  • Current studies

    If you're studying in Semester 2 of the current year, apply to TISC by the closing date and forward all documents requested by your Application Coversheet, including results to date. Upload the documents for your Semester 2 study as soon as they're available. See Important Dates for deadlines to receive documents.

    TISC can obtain second semester results for all WA TAFEs and the Fremantle Education Centre if you apply to TISC by 30 November. WA TAFE colleges will only provide proof of course completion to TISC if you've applied to graduate. You must apply to your WA TAFE for your award by the end of October if you expect to complete your qualification at the end of the year. If you don't do this, it may affect your application, as the universities require proof of course completion when assessing your qualifications.

    TISC can obtain second semester results for most Australian universities if you apply by the closing date.

    If you are currently studying at a private Registered Training Organisation (including through your WA secondary school), an interstate TAFE, or any overseas institution, you will need to upload all results to TISC, as TISC is unable to obtain them on your behalf.