Educational Access Scheme

    The Education Access Scheme (EAS) is aimed at applicants who are seeking undergraduate admission to WA universities and have experienced exceptional circumstances during senior secondary schooling, which adversely affected their Year 11/12 level study. They can apply for special consideration, which if approved, may help them gain entry to university study.

    Read the information below before applying.

  • Who can apply?

    Anyone who applies through TISC, who has experienced circumstances beyond their control which has affected their study is able to submit an Educational Access Scheme application alongside their university application.

    All EAS applicants will need to support their application with appropriate documentation.

    Generally, the EAS will not override English competency or pre-requisite requirements, and is not designed for students on a non-ATAR pathway. If you are on a non-ATAR pathway, don't meet English competency, or don't complete the required pre-requisite subject/s, you should check with the university where you want to study as to which entry pathway is most appropriate for you.

  • How do I apply?

    You can submit your EAS application after you have completed your initial TISC application and paid the processing fee. There is no separate fee for the EAS application but be aware of the EAS related deadlines for the TISC offer rounds.

    To apply, log in with your TISC Number and click on Educational Access Scheme on the side menu.

    If you wish, you can submit an application directly to the university concerned. However, the benefit of applying through TISC is that you only need to submit one application to be considered by all TISC member universities.

  • What kind of situations does EAS cover?

    We have provided four broad categories of situations that may have affected your studies. But don't be put off if your circumstances don't fit neatly into one of those categories. We understand that sometimes life doesn't fit neat categories. That's why there's also an 'Other circumstances' option!

    Here are the categories, and some examples to help you understand the kinds of situations that they could cover.

    • School environment
      For example: experiencing multiple relocations during your schooling, attending a school where few students are interested in university study or attending a school in a rural or isolated area.
    • Financial circumstances
      For example: family financial hardship, coming from a low socio-economic status background, or needing to work excessive hours to support family income.
    • Family situation
      For example: experiencing family disruption, the death of a close family member or friend, lack of a supportive home study environment, supporting family member/s with an illness/disability, or Indigenous background.
    • Personal health issues
      For example: living with a medical condition/disability, or sustaining an accidental injury that disrupted your schooling through the year. (Please note that accidents or illness during the WACE exam period should be handled by SCSA's Sickness and Misadventure process.
    • Other circumstances
      For example: undergoing difficult migrant passage, refugee/asylum seeker status, leaving foster care, or any other circumstances not covered above.

  • What supporting documents will I need?

    EAS consideration is based on evidence. That means you'll need to provide some documentation to support your application. This will include a recommendation from your school and your Year 11 and 12 school reports as well as your applicant statement. You may also need to ask your doctor or other health professional to provide a report. Please do not provide personal character references or resumes as part of your application.

    Here's a summary of what you'll need to provide:
    • School environment
      • Applicant statement
      • Year 11/12 reports
      • School statement
    • Financial circumstances
      • Applicant statement
      • Year 11/12 reports
      • School statement (as applicable)
      • Centrelink statements (as applicable)
      • Other documents confirming receipt of benefits or financial hardship (as applicable)
    • Family situation
      • Applicant statement
      • Year 11/12 reports
      • School statement
      • Medical evidence form (as applicable)
      • Statements from other support professionals (social worker, etc) as applicable
    • Personal health issues
      • Applicant statement
      • Year 11/12 reports
      • School statement
      • Medical evidence form
      • Other supporting documents (as applicable)
    • Other circumstances
      • Applicant statement
      • Year 11/12 reports
      • School statement
      • Other supporting documents (as applicable)

    All forms are available here.

    Supporting documentation must meet the following requirements when uploading:
    • File format to be either pdf, gif, jpeg, tiff, jpg, png, bmp
    • Size of file to be less than 5 megabytes (5 MB)
    • Maximum of 10 files
    • Scans must be of the original documents in actual colour
    Encrypted pdf and word (doc or docx) cannot be accepted. Word format documents should be saved as pdf before uploading. Should you have more than 10 files to upload please combine similar documents into one file. For example, all medical evidence combined into the one file.

  • What will happen with my application?

    We understand that you may need to provide sensitive information as part of your application. We will treat your application in the strictest confidence. Only a small number of authorised people at TISC and the universities will have access to your application and supporting documents.

    TISC will check that you've submitted the necessary documentation, then the universities whose courses you've included in your TISC application will consider your circumstances according to their individual policies.

    The universities will take your circumstances into account when ranking you for entry to their courses. Any consideration of this nature does not change your official ATAR.

    All EAS applications received before the deadline for the relevant TISC offer round will be considered for an offer outcome in that round. We'll acknowledged the receipt of your application when you view your offer on TISCOnline.

    An EAS application does not guarantee entry to any university or its courses.

  • Who do I contact for more information?

    For help with your EAS application through TISC you can email:

    If you want further information on individual universities' policies or processes, please contact them directly: