Frequently Asked Questions

    Application to university

  • I've made an application and paid for it. What happens now?

    Your application will activate within 24 hours of your payment being validated. Once this period has passed, both TISC and the universities will be able to view your application.

    A number of automatic electronic processes next occur:
    • past WA Year 12 results are searched for and, if found, added to your application by TISC;
    • results for past interstate Year 12 results are retrieved by TISC, if available;
    • results for Australian university results (with the exception of results from The University of Notre Dame Australia) are retrieved by TISC, if available;
    • STAT results are searched for and, if found, added to your application by TISC;
    • certain overseas results are retrieved by TISC, if available.
    Your application is manually processed to check that all qualifications considered by the universities have supporting documentation, either electronic results retrieved by TISC or hard copy documentation provided by you. Any missing or incorrect documentation is re-requested, either from electronic sources or from you.

    If all supporting documentation is received, your application is forwarded to the universities on your preference list for their assessment and ranking, based on the information you have provided. If the universities require further documentation, they will contact you direct or they will ask TISC to do so. If you are a non-school leaver, and all your documentation is submitted, and you are eligible for a place in your first preference course, you may be made a pre-December offer within a couple of weeks. Pre-December offers are rarely made for quota courses. Otherwise, you are unlikely to hear anything further until the Main round offers are made.
  • I've applied but my results will not be available until late in the year. What should I do?

    Should TISC have access to the results, we will retrieve them as they become available and forward them to the universities on your preference list for assessment. Your coversheet will advise you if this is the case or if you are required to upload them once they become available. Refer to our Calendar for closing dates.
  • Can I view the qualifications TISC has retrieved or get a copy?

    No, we are unable to release a copy as we are not the issuing body. Results/transcripts can only be issued by the institution you attended.
  • I deferred a place last year. How to I take up the place?

    You need to apply for your deferred place direct to the university and not TISC. Check 'Did you defer your place?' for further information.

  • Changing information online

  • TISC requires that you provide an email address, why?

    Details of offers of a university place are emailed, and TISC uses email for both automatic and manual communication in order to respond to users in a timely manner. Below are some of TISC's services which use email:
    • Registration: When you register online you'll receive an automatic email with important information. You can save this email for future reference;
    • Forgotten password: If you forget your password you can follow instructions on the Forgotten Password page and a new password will be emailed to you instantly;
    • Payments: you'll receive an automatic email once your application payment is successfully processed by TISC. The email contains your payment receipt number and other information to help you with payment related queries;
    • Subscription: If you subscribe to TISC Updates then TISC will notify you by email when there's new information available on its website;
    • Other Correspondence: TISC will also use email to communicate if there are any queries related to your application.
    If you've already registered and would like to update your email address, you can do so from the 'Update Contact Details' link under 'Registered User Functions' on the left hand menu. Save the email address which TISC will use to contact you ( to your personal address book or contacts list so that emails from TISC don't go to your junk mailbox.
  • How can I change my contact details online?

    Log in to our website and go to 'Registered User Functions'. From this point, once an application is paid, you can amend all contact details. If you've paid for your application online, your contact details (and preferences) can be changed straight away, but if you've paid for your application through the mail, or by credit card over the phone, or in person at TISC, there's a delay until your payment is processed before you can make any changes. Only contact details and preferences can be changed online - all other application information is locked and you need to download an Application Changes Form from our website and post it to TISC. TISC staff will then make the required changes on your behalf.
  • How can I change my password?

    Log in and go to 'Registered User Functions'. From this point, follow the prompts to change your password.
  • How can I change the qualifications I have entered in my application online?

    If you haven't yet 'declared' your application online, log in again and amend the details online. If you've declared your application, complete the Application Changes Form and upload as a General Document to your application. You would not be able to do this until your application fee has been paid and your application becomes active (once your payment is processed).
  • How do I change my preferences?

    Log in to our website and go to 'Application Enter/Update' then 'Course Preferences'. Follow the prompts. At the end of the process, a reference number is issued onscreen to confirm your changes. Remember to check closing dates as these may impact on the preference changes you intend to make.

  • Concerning ATAR Courses

  • Can General Courses count in the calculation of my ATAR?

    No, only your ATAR Courses can count in the calculation of your ATAR.
  • Can Human Biology ATAR and Biology ATAR courses both count in the calculation of my ATAR?

    Yes, from 2016, this combination is acceptable.

    For more information on courses that can be used to form an ATAR and unacceptable course combinations please read the University Admission Requirements for School Leavers brochure.
  • If I study all three Mathematics courses; Mathematics: Applications ATAR, Mathematics: Methods ATAR and Mathematics: Specialist ATAR, can all three count in the calculation of my ATAR?

    No. Mathematics: Applications ATAR is an unacceptable combination with Mathematics: Specialist ATAR. But, Mathematics: Methods ATAR and Mathematics: Specialist ATAR is an acceptable combination in the calculation of an ATAR. As from 2023, Mathematics: Applications ATAR and Mathematics: Methods ATAR is also an acceptable combination in the calculation of an ATAR.

    For more information on courses that can be used to form an ATAR and unacceptable course combinations please refer to the appropriate University Admission Requirements for School Leavers brochure.
  • Can my results in the NAPLAN or OLNA tests be used to meet the universities' competence in English requirement?


    To achieve the universities' competence in English students need to sit the Year 12 WACE examination in English ATAR, Literature ATAR or EALD ATAR. ECU will also accept appropriate letter grades in a Year 12 ATAR English course and Murdoch will accept the completion of year 11 and 12 at an Australian high school. For more information on University Competence in English, please refer to the University Admission Requirements for School Leavers brochure.
  • Can my results in the course English General be used to meet the universities' competence in English requirement?

    Not for all.

    Everyone needs a certain level of English proficiency to cope with university study. The benchmark for most of the universities is a scaled score of 50 or more in one of the English ATAR courses (English ATAR, Literature ATAR or EALD ATAR). ECU will also accept appropriate letter grades in a Year 12 ATAR English course. Murdoch University only requires completion of Year 11 and 12 studies at an Australian school to satisfy this requirement. For more information on University Competence in English, please refer to the University Admission Requirements for School Leavers brochure.
  • Will the three Mathematics courses be combined or scaled together? If so, how?

    No, each of the ATAR mathematics courses will be scaled separately in the same way as all other ATAR courses will be scaled.
  • What scaling method will be used?

    The Average Marks Scaling (AMS) process will be used to adjust the combined marks to scaled scores. The AMS methodology has been used since 1998.

    A detailed explanation of the Marks Adjustment Process from raw examination and raw school assessment marks to scaled scores is available on our site.
  • Which courses will scale up and by how much?

    The amount of scaling up or down is dependent on the ability of the students undertaking each course and this can vary from year to year. It is reasonable to expect that courses that scaled up in the past will continue to scale up. (Scaling up means that the mean (average) scaled score for the course is greater than 60.)

    Exactly by how much a course will scale up (or down) is not possible to determine until the students sit the examinations and their results are scaled. Individual course scaling outcomes are not predetermined.

  • Documentation

  • Can I upload my documents?

    Yes, the facility is available once an application is and paid for. The scans must be of the original documents (ie not of a copy or certified copy), are in colour and are legible. (See Acceptable forms of documents).

    The process has five steps. You must complete all five steps for the documentation to be transmitted to TISC.
  • What documents do I need to upload?

    Your application coversheet will advise you what you need to upload and what TISC can obtain electronically on your behalf. If you've changed your name and some of your qualifications are in a different name, you'll be asked to upload proof of name change (see Previous surname/family name). If you don't have the official name change documentation (marriage certificate or change of name certificate), you need to upload a statutory declaration.

    If you're asked to send proof of academic qualifications, you need to upload both your academic record (academic transcript showing units studied and grades obtained) and proof of course completion (certificate showing the course was formally completed).

    If your qualifications are in a language other than English, you need to upload the results/certificates you've obtained, in the original language and also an English translation. Translations need to be done by a qualified NAATI translator in Australia or a qualified government translator if you're overseas (see Overseas Documents).

    Some universities require extra submissions like a personal statement for certain courses. You can find this information under Extra submissions. TISC will also send a reminder email to the applicants concerned.
  • What are the specifications for my document upload?

    Document file format must be either .pdf, .gif, .jpeg, .tiff, .jpg, .png or .bmp with the size requirements be less than 5 megabytes (5 MB) per file.

    You can lodge a maximum of ten files for each document category. The scan must be of the original document in actual colour. Should you have several transcripts with a certificate for the same qualification you may wish to save all into one file, making sure the size is less than 5 MB.

    Encrypted .pdf and Word (.doc or .docx) cannot be accepted. Any word format documents should be saved as .pdf before uploading.
  • What's a personal statement?

    A personal statement is a written statement from you which may or may not need to address certain criteria. Personal statements can be submitted for any course. All personal statements need to be signed by the applicant. You can find information on personal statements in general if required in the relevant University's section.
  • Can I upload photocopies of my documents?

    No, you can only upload your original documents in colour (see Acceptable forms of documents).
  • I can't upload my documents within the time limit stipulated on my coversheet. What can I do?

    You must send your documentation as soon as possible. The deadlines TISC specifies are to allow the timely processing of your application by TISC and the universities. Any delay in receiving all your documents may lead to a delay in processing your application. You should advise TISC via of any anticipated delay past the deadline in uploading your documents.
  • I can't find my original documents. What should I do?

    Results from many Australian educational institutions are available electronically to TISC. Check your application coversheet, to find out if this applies to your qualifications. If the documents are listed under TISC will try to obtain the following documents on your behalf then TISC will request an electronic file from the institution in question. Note that such institutions will not release your results if any monies are owing (ie amenities fees, library fines, etc).

    If TISC isn't able to retrieve your results, contact the provider of the qualification, who will either send you replacement documentation (usually for a fee), or who may agree to send your results direct to TISC. For proof of name change, if the name change was made in Australia, you can contact the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in the relevant state for replacement documentation. If you can't obtain proof of name change documentation, a statutory declaration is acceptable.

    If you don't upload the documentation requested to prove completion of a qualification, the qualification may be ignored by the university.
  • I won't get my second semester results until after the specified closing date for receipt of documents. What can I do?

    You must forward your academic transcript as soon as possible. Ask your institution to email your results direct to TISC. TISC will accept an email of your results direct from the educational institution. The specified closing date is to guarantee inclusion of your results in time for the Main round of offers, or, failing that, the Second round of offers. TISC will endeavour to process your results and forward them to the universities as quickly as possible, but can't guarantee their inclusion in either the Main round of offers or the second round of offers if they are received after the specified closing date.
  • Does TISC return original documents?

    You should upload your original documents to TISC rather than sending them by mail or bringing them in. If original documents are sent to TISC by your education provider, TISC will return all original documents in a sturdy envelope to your notification address. In special circumstances, we will return documents via registered post if requested. Any postal or in person lodgments should also include a copy of the application coversheet.
  • Do I need to upload in my application coversheet with my documents?

    No, your application coversheet is not necessary when you upload documentation via TISCOnline.

  • Eligibility to apply

  • I'm a temporary resident. Can I apply via TISC?

    No. You're considered by the universities as an international student and need to apply direct to the university's international office. TISC is authorised to accept applications only from Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and Australian permanent residents (see Who should apply through TISC?).
  • Am I eligible for the course I have applied for?

    Eligibility for a place in a course isn't assessed by TISC, but by the universities. To check whether your current qualifications make you eligible for entry into a course, you should contact the Admissions Centre of the university you wish to attend. If you're ineligible for entry at present, Admissions staff may also be able to advise you on a pathway to follow to gain admission in the future.
  • I'm completing my 'A' Levels. How are they assessed in WA?

    Each university will assess your 'A' levels in a slightly different way. You should discuss your 'A' Level results with the Admissions Centre of the university you wish to apply for. The university will also be able to advise you how they might assess any Advanced Subsidiary (AS) results you have.
  • I'm completing the International Baccalaureate (IB). How will my results be assessed?

    IB results from 1996 onwards can be converted to an equivalent Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) by TISC. Your IB score (including bonus points) listed on your Diploma is converted using a conversion table which varies from year to year. TISC will convert your IB score even if your Diploma has not been awarded, but Western Australian universities generally require completion of the Diploma. If you've no total score on your Diploma, TISC can't convert your IB results and you should discuss your options with the Admissions Centre of the university you wish to apply to. Results from earlier than 1996 are assessed by the universities individually.

  • Marks Adjustment Process (Scaling)

  • What's the Marks Adjustment Process?

  • Should I choose courses which are usually scaled up?

    You might think that it's better to choose courses which are usually scaled up. This isn't true, and choosing courses on this basis may actually result in a lower scaled score than you might otherwise have achieved. If you choose a course that you're not very good at, simply because you expect it to be scaled up, your scaled score will be a lot lower than what you could expect to receive in a course which you're good at and which interests you. Your mark may be scaled up, but it's unlikely that your scaled score will be any higher than if you'd chosen a more suitable course, even if marks for that course were scaled down.
  • How do I know which courses will be scaled up and which ones scaled down?

    The movement of any individual student's combined marks after scaling depends on the course and a student's relative position within the course - some are scaled up and some are scaled down. The relative scaling of different courses is directly related to the ability of the students taking any particular course.
  • If I have results from several years, what happens with scaling?

    Marks are always scaled in the year in which you take the course.
  • Are scaling results the same every year?

    There are no predetermined outcomes of scaling - the adjustments are based on the performance of students each year. The scaling process is carried out from scratch each year - it doesn't assume that one course is intrinsically more difficult than another or that the ability of students taking the course is always the same. In the past the process has been very stable and there's very little difference from year to year in terms of the scaled scores. From 2016 new courses were introduced which have changed students' course selection patterns and hence changed scaled scores distributions across courses.
  • How can I find my past WA Year 12 results?

    Past WA Year 12 students can't download their Universities Admissions Advice Letter (UAAL) containing their ATAR, scaled scores and the universities' eligibility messages. To order a hard copy of your ATAR certificate print out and complete the Request Form - Statement of Results.

    Alternatively you can obtain your results verbally without charge by either: visiting our office with current photographic ID and should your name now be different to when you sat your Year 12, a proof of name change document must also be shown. Or, by telephoning our office. You will need to answer correctly several identifying questions before your results would be disclosed by phone.

  • Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

  • How do I apply to sit the test?

    You can download a STAT Booking Form (when available) or phone TISC on 9318 8000 to have a form posted to you. Submit the completed form with booking fee to TISC.
  • Can I choose the session date?

    TISC only accepts STAT bookings for the current and next available test sessions. You can choose an alternative session by waiting until the test date that you wish sit becomes the current or next session. There are closing times for bookings for STAT sessions, unless the session fills earlier.
  • When do bookings close?

    Bookings for Saturday sessions usually close the Wednesday at 12 noon before the session date. Refer to the session dates page for details.
  • How do I find out my test session details?

    Once your booking has been processed TISC will notify you of your test details by e-mail. In this despatch a link to the Candidate Information Booklet is also included. Should you book in-person, the Candidate Information Booklet and session details will be given to you.
  • When will I get my STAT results?

    You should receive your STAT results approximately three to four weeks after the test date.
  • Can I get my STAT results online?

    STAT results are only available by post.
  • Can I apply to university before sitting STAT?

    Yes. Wait until the STAT session you want is open if you want to, but apply for university before the closing deadlines. Indicate your intention to sit STAT and TISC will match your STAT results with your application after you've sat. See also When do bookings close?
  • Are there sample questions available online?

    The Candidate Information Booklet can be downloaded. This booklet shows the types of questions you might expect in the test. Further practice questions are available for purchased as e-books via Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER) website.
  • Can I change test dates after I book?

    You can request a change of session to the next available testing date. You'll need to pay a fee of $75 and this must be lodged at TISC, together with your signed, written request for a change of session, no later than one working day (ie 4.30 pm on the Thursday before a Saturday test) before the allocated session date.
  • Can I cancel and get a refund?

    You may be refunded your STAT fee if you lodge a signed, written application with TISC no later than one working day (ie 4.30 pm on the Thursday before a Saturday test) before the allocated session date. A cancellation fee of $75 will be deducted from any refund.
  • What if I was sick or had to work, and missed the test?

    If you miss your test date due to medical or work reasons, you can re-book for the next session or request a refund. You must submit a signed, change of session form or cancellation form, together with a medical certificate/letter from your employer to TISC no later than five working days after the test session. You also need to include a change of session fee of $75 if you wish to re-book. A cancellation fee of $75 will be deducted from any refund.
  • Can I convert my STAT score to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)?

    Yes, there's a Rank calculator on our website, which converts STAT results to a notional ATAR called a STAT Rank.
  • Why are my scores different for each university when I use the calculator to convert the results to a STAT Rank?

    The WA universities that use STAT Ranks use a different formula in converting your STAT scores into a STAT Rank.

  • Troubleshooting - web access

  • The website won't work. It keeps saying that this page isn't available. What's wrong?

    You're probably not using a browser that the site supports. The TISC website supports the mainstream internet browsers - Mozilla Firefox (preferred), Internet Explorer, Apple Safari and Google Chrome. You can also use mainstream tablet devices running Android or Apple OS with default browsers. If you're using another browser type, you'll probably continue to have trouble. You'll need to change to one of the above browsers. If you're already using a browser supported by TISC then clear the browser cache. If information provided here doesn't resolve the problem then contact TISC providing details about the error message and the page you were trying to access.

    Note: TISC is unable to provide assistance for problems relating to website access via mobile devices.
  • I clicked on 'next' but only a blank page appears? What should I do?

    The two most common factors which can cause this problem are the browser cache and cookies. Clear your browser cache and this may resolve the problem. You may also need to enable cookies to resolve this problem.
  • I can't seem to login. What should I do?

    Our login process requires that your browser accept cookies. This process will not work if your browser isn't cookies enabled or you've a firewall software blocking cookies. You need to set your browser to allow cookies.
  • How do I clear browser cache?

    Browser cache, also known as Temporary Internet Files and Recent/Browsing History, contains the record of pages you've visited. Sometimes clearing this cache can resolve unexpected browser problems. If uncertain on how to clear the cache refer to help pages of the browser you are using.
  • How do I set my browser to allow cookies for TISCOnline?

    Cookies are a small piece of information the browser stores on the computer, which contain information about the relevant websites. For TISCOnline to work properly your browser must be set to accept cookies either for all sites or specifically for TISCOnline.

    Options to allow cookies differs slightly depending on your browser. Generally you will find the option either under Tools, Options or Setting menus of the browser you are using. For more information refer to the Support or Help menu of the browser.

    Note: if you have firewall software installed on your computer, it may also be blocking cookies. If allowing cookies doesn't resolved the problem and you believe your firewall may be blocking cookies then please consult your firewall manual for configuration.
  • Troubleshooting - registration

  • Can I use my TISC number from a previous year?

    No. TISC begins a new database each application cycle. All data from previous years is archived and is no longer accessible. Unless you're doing Year 12 in WA this year or have already been provided with a TISC number in response to a recent STAT enquiry, you need to Register on our website and receive your new TISC 8-eight User ID onscreen.
  • The automated password request isn't working. What should I do?

    The email address you enter must match the email address we have on record. Perhaps you've changed your email address without telling us, or you've typed it incorrectly. You can request a manual re-set of your password via You'll need to supply your full name, date of birth, postal notification address, and details of school attended and Year 12 courses sat for verification purposes.
  • I'm trying to log in on behalf of my friend/child/partner and am having problems. Can you help?

    In line with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), TISC considers all details about an applicant and their application confidential and won't disclose these details to a third party. TISC will only offer assistance to you if written authority for you to communicate on behalf of your friend/child/partner is held at TISC. We will then assist with any queries which you, as the authorised person, have. You and your friend/child/partner should complete and submit an Authority to Communicate With form which can be downloaded from our website.
  • I just booked for STAT at TISC but the User ID given to me doesn't work. What's wrong?

    User IDs created by TISC are not available on our website until the next working day. You should try again the next working day.
  • I can't seem to register. What should I do?

    Our registration and login processes require that your browser accept cookies. These processes will not work if your browser isn't cookies enabled or you've a firewall software blocking cookies. You need to clear your cache and enable cookies. Read Troubleshooting - web access section for more information.

  • Troubleshooting - university application

  • My Course Folder shows three preferences, but I know I entered five on my application. What's happened to the other two?

    The course folder is a storage area where you can add courses that you're considering. The folder isn't part of your application to university. The purpose of the folder is to give you a place to save details of courses which you're interested in and, once you decide that you wish to apply for any of them, you can then enter your chosen course(s) into your application.
  • What does application type mean?

    Application type allows TISC to divide applicants into those students currently completing Year 12 in Australia or New Zealand, or doing the International Baccalaureate, and those applicants who are not. If you're currently completing your final year of secondary school, either interstate or in New Zealand, or completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) this year, you should select the yes button. If not, then you should select no.
  • I can't seem to add my secondary education. What should I do?

    Check the first page Application Type of your online application. You may have selected yes to Interstate/NZ/IB Current Year 12. You can only select this category if you're sitting your final year of secondary school this year. If you've completed your secondary schooling in a previous year, our programming won't allow you to proceed, as the two sets of data conflict. Change to No and save then you'll be able to enter your secondary education details.
  • I can't find the course code. Can you please advise?

    TISC won't advise course codes. As there are so many similar courses, we could inadvertently advise the incorrect code. To avoid any ambiguity, it's your responsibility to select the course code. You can search for all courses which are available this year by using the Course Search facility on our website. The course code is part of the course information provided for each course. If you still find it difficult to identify the course code for the course you're interested in, contact the Admissions office of the university you wish to attend for assistance.
  • I found the code for the course I want in the university's handbook, but it doesn't work. What's wrong?

    Course codes in the universities' handbooks are for internal use by the respective universities. They aren't TISC codes and therefore can't be used on our website. If you do a Course Search on our website, you'll find the correct TISC code for your course.
  • The TISC code for the course I wish to select isn't being accepted by the website. What's wrong?

    Check that you've typed the code correctly. If you're sure that it's correct, then check Update to Courses on our website to see if your course has been withdrawn by the university. Some courses are cancelled by the universities after the printing of the TISC Guide. If not listed, complete a Course Search on our website, you may be using a superceded code.
  • I'm a permanent resident whose citizenship has just been approved. I just need to go through the ceremony. Can I apply as an Australian citizen?

    No. You must apply as a permanent resident and, at enrolment, you could provide proof of citizenship if this has been conferred. You can't apply as an Australian citizen until you've received your certificate of Australian citizenship at a citizenship ceremony.
  • What should I answer to the question about credit/advanced standing?

    This question is asking whether you'd like studies you've done at a post-secondary institution, eg a TAFE College or another university, to be considered as part-fulfillment of the course you're applying for. If you answer yes, some of the universities will assess whether or not to grant you any credit for past studies as part of assessing your TISC application. Other universities will invite successful applicants with past studies to apply for advanced standing or credit at enrolment time.
  • I applied online. Do I get formal notification that TISC has my application?

    Yes, if you've included a valid email address in your application. TISC will email you to confirm that your payment has been processed. This will be as soon as your online credit card payment is complete or, if you elected to pay later at TISC, as soon as TISC has received and processed your payment.

    You can also look at your application coversheet to check the lodgment status of your application. The application coversheet shows the payment status Paid when your payment has been processed and your application has been accepted by TISC for further processing.--> You can access your application coversheet under Online Application Enter/Update and print a copy at any time after you've completed and declared your online application. Print a copy for your records.

    Remember, TISC won't accept your application until you've paid the application fee. Also note that TISC won't be able to answer queries about your application until after your application fee has been processed. You can also go to View Application under Online Application Enter/Update to view your complete application. To change your email address click Update Contact Details under Registered User Functions.
  • What's an Application Coversheet?

    The Application Coversheet is your record of some of the details of your TISC application. It shows your name, birth date and your User ID. It also summarises the qualifications/study you told us you've done and lets you know what results TISC can obtain for you and what documentation you need to send to TISC. If you need to send any documentation to TISC, print a copy of your Coversheet and attach it to the documents you are sending. This means we can easily match your documents with your application details and check that you've sent everything we've asked for. The Application Coversheet shows you your payment details: how you elected to pay the application processing fee and whether or not you've paid the fee. When the payment status changes to Paid you know that TISC has activated your application. You can access your Application Coversheet under Application Enter/Update and print a copy at any time after you've completed and declared your online application.